Tuesday, May 5, 2015

10 Weird Uses for Human Hair Throughout History

Blond Hair

Modern western society tends to view shed hair with all the tolerance it affords a dead rodent, as you may know if you’ve ever heard your mother shouting, “Why is there a capybara in my shower drain?” But some shrewd thinkers have started to see the hidden merits of human hair. They view it as a viable resource and look for practical ways to use it. And some of their best (and oddest) ideas come straight from the pages of history.

10. Holy Relics


One of the first get-rich-quick schemes was the sale of fake “holy relics.” Relics could include morbid keepsakes like a tooth, scrap of clothing, finger or lock of hair from a saint. In the Middle Ages, these grisly tokens were in great demand but were often fake. The macabre highlight of this scheme is that fake relics were sometimes from real people. No one but the con man who sold them will ever know who the mummified fingers and severed curls really belonged to! Some religious groups still use relics, but fact-checking is a lot easier today. However, some religious leaders don’t really seem to care whether relics are authentic or not. Religious feeling, they reason, is more important. It sounds like the fake-relic scam is due for a revival!
A modern version is the sale of celebrity hair. You can buy “authentic hair” online that’s said to come from figures like Neil Armstrong, George Washington, Paul McCartney, Marilyn Monroe, JFK, Justin Bieber, and even the King himself, Elvis Presley. Is it for real? Well, there’s only one way to find out: let’s ask Paul and Justin if they have anything to do with this nonsense.

9. Incense

Anyone who’s leaned too close to a lit birthday cake will recall the acrid stink of singed hair. What sort of masochist would want to smell that stench in incense? Well, in India, incense was historically of two kinds. One was as pleasantly aromatic as you’d expect. Lovely plants like ginger, fragrant leaves and gums were used for this type. It was meant to appease demons or spirits. If the spirits were doing something you didn’t like, you’d try this first.
The other sort was meant to repel spirits. It was often made of not just human hair, but other nasty things like pig manure and horse hair. If a spirit or demon couldn’t be appeased, this was the next line of defense. It was hoped that any self-respecting demon would flee in terror from the smell, much like any self-respecting human. Similar mixtures were also used as a remedy for fainting. This may be a case where the cure is worse than the affliction.

8. Fertilizer

Feeding your crops with human hair and excrement may sound like an extreme survival story, but it was standard in ancient Chinese farming. It sounds unsafe, but hair is relatively harmless and full of nutrients. It contains 15% nitrogen (compared to chicken manure at 4.6%) but doesn’t burn plants. In some situations, hair fertilizer is comparable to chemical fertilizer. It works best as a long-release treatment though, because your ponytail can take years to compost. If you want to feed your hair to a house plant, chop it finely first. That will help it break down faster.

7. Family “Hairlooms”

One tiny tribe in China came up with the world’s most creative hand-me-down: their great- grandmothers’ hair. Each woman of the Longhorn Miao tribe combines the lengthy locks of her ancestors with other natural fibers to form a huge, ropelike mass. This is then wrapped in a figure-eight shape around a pair of “horns” worn on her head. Real animal horns were once used, but now pieces of wood in the same shape take their place. Wrapping 10 pounds of hair onto them can be a nearly hour-long process. Such an extreme hairstyle is usually worn on holidays, but it’s sometimes shown to curious visitors as well. Their ancestor’s hair is often the most precious object these women own, valued even above their detailed and colorful embroidery. The tribe, isolated for hundreds if not thousands of years, continues its hand-me-down custom to this day.

6. Embroidery

Dongtai hair embroidery is another old Chinese custom. In contrast to the Longhorn tribe’s colorful handiwork, this art started out black-and-white. It began over a thousand years ago with a purist form that uses only naturally colored black human hair to stitch designs onto white silk. At first these creations only featured pictures of Buddha, which young girls would stitch with care to show their devotion. More recent pieces show scenes full of ancient Chinese symbolism. Over time, a colored variation developed as well. Both branches of the neglected art form nearly faded to oblivion in the past century, but a few artists are trying to revive it. With around 30 companies marketing the craft in its home province of Jiangsu, hair embroidery has a chance at a comeback.

5. Medical Sutures

Blond Hair
From the Mayans and the ancient Romans to the present day, human hair has a long history in the field of suturing. It’s fallen out of favor in modern Western practice, but at the turn of the twentieth century it was still in use by some American doctors. It allegedly worked quite well, and didn’t cause infections. Despite its history, hair suturing probably doesn’t have a future in developed countries. It shows promise, though, as a solution for those with less access to healthcare. An Indian medical college has performed tests on human hair to see if it’s practical and effective as suture material for developing countries, and so far the results are optimistic.

4. Music

The Mangyans live on an island in the Phillipines called Mindoro. Their folk music tradition birthed the git-git, a bowed instrument strung with human hair. It compares to the violin in both function and looks. The git-git was only used by young men when they went courting. Serenading was an important part of courtship; young men had to both sing and play musical instruments during the process.

In addition to the git-git, the young men would sometimes also play the kudyapi’, which is basically a six-stringed guitar. In Western society, both violins and violin bows have sometimes been strung with human hair as well. This is usually more of a publicity stunt than a practical means of making music, though. Hair isn’t as strong as the steel-core violin strings usually used. Because of this, human hair works better for folk music than orchestral music, which calls for more sound.

3. Pest Control

Human hair has been used for centuries to repel animals and control pests. It’s used differently on different kinds of animals. It works on moles by annoying them enough todrive them away. To deer, just the scent of humans is alarming. Rhinoceros beetles in India can be trapped by a simple ball of human hair. Farmers place it at strategic points on the tree, the beetles try to walk over the hairball to get at the crop, their spiky legs get tangled up and they can’t move! The Old Farmer’s Almanac even cites a strategy to repel rabbits by encircling a garden with human hair. The rabbits, like deer, will only be scared off if they’re wild. In the suburbs, where the smell of humans is everywhere, rabbits and deer will adapt to its presence. So if you’re thinking of making a rabbit-repelling hair fence, only bother if you’re out in the country.

2. Clothing

Using human hair in fabric is traditional in both India and China. Knowing that pure hair fabric would be too rough, they blend it with softer animal hair and wool. The reason it’s so rough is that human hair is thicker than other fibers used in clothing. Spinning it into thread makes some of the coarse, stiff ends stick straight out. The high prickle factor that results is not ideal for clothing. Imagine a pair of shorts made of the stubble of a three-day-old beard! It’s not exactly what you want rubbing against your sensitive skin, is it?
In modern Western society, clothing made of human hair is quite a novelty. It’s usually used in cutting-edge or alternative designs. But during World War II, human hair was seen as a viable substitute for other fibers in short supply. The bolts of cloth on display at Auschwitzare a grisly woven memorial to the horrors of the Holocaust. The cloth didn’t originate as a memorial, but was created as part of everyday trade agreements by the Nazis. The Nazis traded their prisoners’ hair to German factories, which mixed it with various fibers to make fabric.

1. Jewelry

Human hair was one of the oddest passions of the Victorian age. People gave each other locks of hair to show affection. They made accessories of it and even sent bits of their hair to one another on postcards. It must have been a bad time to live if your hair was already thin!
Hair work was just as popular as knitting and crocheting. Several different techniques were used, such as table braiding and arranging individual strands into “paintings” on ivory brooches. Incredibly fine and detailed work was the result of this obsession. Pieces such as bracelets, rings, earrings, necklaces, brooches, chains and shawl pins were made of hair, as well as accent pieces like handbags and bookmarks. Many of these are now on display in ahair museum, which looks as creepy as it sounds. The Victorians sometimes embroidered with hair too, but they weren’t as fond of it as the ancient Chinese were. They would rather stitch with normal thread. Considering all the things they made out of hair, they wouldn’t have had much extra to fuel their cross-stitching!

10 Things That Make A Girl Beautiful Instead Of Hot

Beautiful. It’s a powerful word, one not thrown around as frivolously as hot, pretty or any of the hundreds of words we’ve come to describe women, debasing their worth to nothing more than the symmetry of their face and the fullness of their lips.
It’s a word that holds power and prestige far beyond that of any other adjective. It’s a sacred word, one kept for those who truly can’t be described any other way.

It’s a word that chases women to plastic surgery and extreme diets. It’s the base of all women’s desires and lifelong struggles.
But isn’t beautiful about so much more than looks? Isn’t it in that extra thing — that thing that makes a woman beautiful instead of hot?
We’ve already debated the differences between hot and beautiful, but we never really answered what exactly makes a woman beautiful — what dictates a woman’s right to that elusive status, what embodies that strong adjective we hold to such high regard?
By now we’ve learned that looks are in the eyes of the beholder and there is indeed a somewhat mystical quality of the soul that can turn a beautiful face into an ugly one.
People who have “beautiful” exteriors can begin to look ugly after you get to know them, while someone with a somewhat “average” face can become the most beautiful person you know, proving that beauty isn’t just a façade, but an iridescent quality that is not solely dependent on one’s gene pool.
It’s the quality that elevates a woman from just hot or sexy. It’s in the way she walks, talks and presents herself. It’s the way she radiates from the inside, out. It’s her soul and her spark and that thing you just can’t put your finger on.
It might be the girl you don’t notice at first, the one who doesn’t always stand out. It’s the girl you need to get to know, whose beauty becomes more defined with every conversation, every glance. It’s a word that describes women who can’t be classified as just hot.

Her passions define her more than her looks

There is nothing more beautiful than a woman with passion. A girl who gets excited about things, lives for things and holds things close to her heart is a girl worth knowing.
She’s the girl you’d rather talk to in bed than take to bed. Because passion is contagious and watching someone get excited about something is the most beautiful quality you can find in someone.

She shows you her real face

Women have the right to wear makeup and there is nothing wrong with that. However, a beautiful woman doesn’t feel the need to hide behind it.
A beautiful woman does not do anything for anyone but herself, whether that means wearing makeup or going barefaced to work, she makes sure you know that she does not owe her looks to you.

She doesn’t chase the limelight

A beautiful woman doesn’t fight for the limelight, but is naturally endowed it. The allure of the beautiful woman is that she does not need to work hard or fight for attention.
She is confident and humble, which usually presents a mysterious quality that attracts people more than outlandish gestures and cries for attention. She doesn’t take away from others or place her worth on how many people she’s talking to.

She knows how to talk

There’s nothing worse than a woman who doesn’t know how to use her mouth. A woman who knows how to speak her mind intelligently, who can captivate you with her words and opinions proves that there is nothing more beautiful than intelligence. Smart is sexy and words have the power to turn any girl into the woman of your dreams.

She can go it alone

A woman who doesn’t need a man is a woman who is confident — and confidence is the key to real beauty. A woman who doesn’t need the approval of others radiates with a security and poise that elevates her from the status of just another hot face.
Because being a woman isn’t about needing a man, and a beautiful woman understands that she, herself, is enough.

She’s tight-lipped

There’s nothing more intriguing than a woman of mystery, one who keeps her affairs private and those unnecessary words to herself.
Because there is nothing uglier than people who talk just to hear themselves speak. A beautiful woman is full of surprises and becomes more beautiful the more time you spend getting to know her.

She bends over backwards

Is there anything more beautiful than selflessness? Beauty is found in those who care about more than just themselves.
A truly beautiful woman is compassionate and caring; she will never hesitate to blow her cover by showing that she cares. Hot girls play with your heart, beautiful girls mend it.

She’s open

Beautiful women do not limit themselves. They are open to new ideas, places and people. They do not shy away from things because of stigmas and fear, they are beautiful in their boldness and their open minds.

She’s got soul

There is such a thing as people with ugly souls and we’ve all met at least one person who proves it. A beautiful woman radiates not because of her tinted moisturizer or glossy hair, but because of that something inside her that just makes you want to be near her.
Hot girls don’t need to you show you their souls, beautiful women attract you with theirs.

She’s got that thing

You know that thing, it’s the thing you just can’t place. It’s something that you can’t put into words, let alone describe to your friends.
It’s the special something about her that you can’t place because you’ve never seen it before. It’s the defining quality of the beautiful woman, the thing no one can ever completely describe.